Case Study: Congenital Spinal Deformity

During Dr. McConnell’s  yearly mission trip to Kolkata, India to support Operation Straight Spine he will often see cases of congenital spinal deformities.  This past year was no exception.  Congenital spinal deformity is caused by an abnormality in the growth of one or more spinal vertebra and occurs before birth.  After the child is born and during their most rapid periods of growth the spinal deformity can become quite severe and produce significant disability if not corrected early.

This is a case of a 22-year old man with severe congenital kyphoscoliosis who came to us complaining of back pain and progressive weakness in his legs.  The 3D CT scan of the spine pictured here shows just how severe his congenital deformity had become over the years.  The deformity was causing pressure on his spinal cord resulting in the weakness of his legs.

Lateral 3D CT image

Lateral 3D CT image

AP 3D CT image

AP 3D CT image

AP Post-op X-ray

AP Post-op X-ray


Surgery was performed to straighten his spine and relieve pressure on the spinal cord.  The procedure involved removing two of the deformed vertebrae and inserting a cage to replace them. Spinal rods and screws were inserted to stabilize and keep the spine straight while the area fused together with bone graft.
Lateral Post-op X-ray

Lateral Post-op X-ray


The patient had complete recovery of his leg weakness and was very pleased with his post-operative condition.

To learn more about Operation Straight Spine please visit our website at

Case Study: Degenerative Disc Conditions

Meet Bob – a Coopersburg resident and father of three. For most of his adult life, Bob suffered with chronic neck and back pain. As if his chronic pain wasn’t enough to alter his life, his condition was also associated with numbness and tingling in his left arm and hand, and sciatic pain down his left leg. After years of suffering, Bob looked to Dr. Jeffrey McConnell of OAA’s Spine Center of Excellence to IMG_0644perform surgery on his spine. “Finding Dr. McConnell was one of those life changing experiences I want anyone suffering from similar pain to hear about,” said Bob.

A previous surgical patient of Dr. Hawk, Bob was in his office for a checkup on his shoulder when Dr. Hawk suggested that he schedule an appointment with Dr. McConnell to address the pain in his neck and back. Knowing that he has complete trust in Dr. Hawk, Bob decided to listen to him and get Dr. McConnell’s opinion despite already having an operation scheduled with another surgeon.

Dr. McConnell looked at Bob’s MRI and EMG tests and saw him for an appointment several days later. After a thorough in-office exam, Dr. McConnell was not in agreement with Bob’s original diagnosis from another surgeon, and scheduled him for a CT scan to confirm his suspicions. “I was beginning to realize just how lucky I was in following through with Dr. Hawk’s suggestion,” Bob recalled. At another appointment to go over the findings of the CT scan, Dr. McConnell’s suspicions were confirmed, and he explained to Bob what the CT scan, MRI, and his symptoms were telling him about Bob’s condition. “I knew I found the right doctor,” said Bob, “not only did he tell me what was causing my pain, he showed me.”

Dr. McConnell has been a spine surgeon for 24 years, and has subspecialty interests in scoliosis surgery, total disc arthroplasty in the cervical spine, and minimally invasive spine surgery. When asked about Bob’s condition, Dr. McConnell noted, “Pain from a pinched nerve is one of the worst kinds of pain a patient can experience. Once the nerve compression is relieved with surgery, patients will typically experience complete pain relief and a corresponding significant improvement in quality of life. Bob had not just one nerve being pinched, but three, therefore his pain and disability were even greater.”

Dr. McConnell and Bob weighed the pros and cons of various surgical approaches. “Dr. McConnell explained to me how each option would benefit or detract from the outcome he was seeking. This is how medicine should be practiced! He put my mind at ease and I knew he was prepared to handle whatever was needed to alleviate my years of pain and suffering,” said Bob.

When asked about the surgery, Dr. McConnell explained, “Bob’s condition was secondary to multilevel degenerative disc disease and bone spurs which were compressing several nerves to his left arm. To treat his condition, we had to perform anterior discectomy and interbody fusions at C4-5, C5-6, and C6-7.” In other words, Dr. McConnell removed the collapsed discs in Bob’s neck, which then allowed him to remove the bone spurs that were compressing the nerves to Bob’s arm. To further restore the opening between the vertebra and to provide additional space for the nerve roots, spacers were placed between the vertebra to hold them apart. Then, to lock the spacers in place and to bind the vertebra together, small plates were inserted into the vertebra. Patients like Bob are a constant reminder as to why Dr. McConnell became a spine surgeon – “I enjoy solving problems and having the opportunity to improve patients’ lives through surgery,” Dr. McConnell affirmed.

Reflecting back to the day of surgery, Bob said, “It is hard to put into words the times in one’s life that are mystical; like when you are there for the birth of a child, or when other miraculous things happen, but I can tell you waking up after surgery and immediately noticing feeling in your hand without any numbness or burning is one of those spiritual moments you will never forget. I will be forever grateful to Dr. McConnell, his staff, and Dr. Hawk for his suggestion to see Dr. McConnell. They should be proud of what they do and how they do it – we are all better off because of them!”

Case Study: Alana Andersen

Alana_Pageant_01Meet Alana – OAA’s May Patient Ambassador, as well as the first-runner up in the Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA pageant. Prior to her surgery with Dr. Jeffrey McConnell, Alana suffered from the signs and symptoms of scoliosis. The pain and strain of this condition made everyday tasks, including sleeping, difficult. Her condition also kept Alana on the sidelines of some of her volleyball games. “Sometimes after strenuous activity, my back would hurt so badly, I had trouble standing up straight,” says Alana. In addition to these physical hardships, Alana was also impacted emotionally. “I was self-conscious of my disfigured torso and the way clothes looked on me.”

Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine where the spine predominantly bends or curves to the side. Most cases of scoliosis are known as “idiopathic” where the curve occurs in otherwise healthy adolescents. Idiopathic scoliosis is an inherited or genetic condition where it tends to occur in people where there is a family history of the disorder. The curvature is usually diagnosed after the age of 8 and before the age of 16. This form of scoliosis is actually quite common; however in most cases the curvature of the spine is mild and never requires any treatment. Approximately 15-20% of cases will progress to a point that may require treatment and the potential of surgery.

Alana was one of the 15-20% of individuals that required surgery to correct her spine, and she sought the expertise of Dr. Jeffrey McConnell of OAA’s Spine Center of Excellence. Dr. McConnell has been a board certified orthopaedic surgeon for 22 years and devotes his entire practice to treating disorders of the spine. “I have a subspecialty interest in treating spinal deformities like scoliosis and performing motion preservation surgery, particularly disc replacement surgery in the neck,” says Dr. McConnell. Dr. McConnell is also the founding member of Operation Straight Spine – a nonprofit organization that has been providing much needed care to the many indigent patients from Kolkata, India and surrounding regions, who suffer with spinal disorders.

Dr. McConnell performed a five hour surgical intervention on Alana’s spine. Her spine was straightened by using two rods attached to multiple vertebrae. Following the surgery, Alana was prepared for a long road to recovery. “The recovery after surgery was extremely difficult the first couple of weeks, but that was expected after a surgery of such severity. I was in the hospital for about a week until I returned home for the holidays. Having some issues with my medication, Doctor McConnell took time out of his Thanksgiving Day festivities to talk with me on the phone about my issues and pain level.” After about a month, Alana started to see some significant progress in her recovery, and finally returned to school after two months. Several months after that, she started living her normal life – including participating in athletic activities.

Alana_Pageant_02When asked if Alana would recommend OAA Orthopaedic Specialists to family and friends, she stated: “Absolutely. Thanks to Doctor McConnell, I was able to compete in the Miss Pennsylvania Teen USA Pageant. I was actually going to compete the year prior, but needed the surgery instead. Once my back was straightened and I felt more confident, I was able to compete to represent all of Pennsylvania and ended up placing First Runner Up in my first beauty pageant ever. My on-stage interview questions dealt with my surgery and my recovery and therefore, I was able to talk about how something so positive came from something so negative. I had the chance to tell the judges, audience, and other competitors my success story and that all thanks were due to Doctor McConnell and his expertise.”

It is remarkable to hear how Alana’s surgery has impacted her life in such a positive way. It is patients like Alana that make Dr. McConnell and his colleagues at OAA so passionate about their work. “I enjoy the challenges I am faced with in diagnosing and treating many different spinal disorders, but what I enjoy most is making a difference in someone’s life through corrective surgery,” says McConnell.

Spinal News International Interviews Dr. McConnell

Dr. Jeffrey McConnell was recently asked his thoughts on intraoperative fluoroscopic navigation during an opinion interview with Spinal News International. Read his opinion on why this relatively new technology has not been as popular as expected for spinal surgeons from around the world.


Whilst intraoperative fluoroscopic navigation may offer a number of benefits to spinal surgery, uptake in the field is still relatively low. Jeff McConnell talks to Spinal News International about the limits of this technology.


What can intraoperative fluoroscopic navigation enable physicians to achieve?

There is an important difference, here, between fluoroscopic imaging and fluoroscopic navigation. I use fluoroscopic imaging frequently to localise bony anatomy to assist in placing pedicle screws percutaneously in the spine. It is truly “real-time” imaging. A disadvantage is that the images obtained are two-dimensional. Capturing these images also leads to radiation exposure. Fluoroscopic navigation can be done in different ways, all based on obtaining anteroposterior and lateral fluoroscopic images using an aftermarket reference frame attached to the C-arm. The images are then correlated using computer software with a pre-operative computed tomography (CT) scan. The simplest software system that I have seen simply requires the surgeon to plot screw direction with triangulation, and then line up the starting point on the skin with fluoroscopy. As long as you maintain the proper angle of trajectory, then placement should be successful. This can be fiddly, and it takes time to plot each screw. This seems less accurate to me.

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Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting

Tuesday, September 29, 2015New Orleans, Louisiana

At this leading scientific meeting on spinal surgery, Dr. McConnell presented the results of a clinical study involving the Prestige-LP cervical disc arthroplasty device. The FDA investigational device exemption (IDE) clinical trial compared the Prestige-LP total disc device to replace two consecutive discs in the neck versus the traditional surgery of two level disc fusion. At 5-year follow-up, patients who received the Prestige-LP two level artificial disc replacement achieved superior overall clinical results when compared to the fusion patients.


Click here to learn more about cervical disc replacement >>

Dr McConnell presented the study results during the Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves Neurosurgical Forum section of the meeting and the presentation was selected as Top Poster of the session.

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The Scoliosis Research Society 22nd International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques

Friday, July 10, 2015Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

At this leading and prestigious scientific meeting on spinal surgery, Dr. McConnell presented the results of a clinical study involving the Prestige-LP cervical disc arthroplasty device. The FDA investigational device exemption (IDE) clinical trial compared the Prestige-LP total disc device to replace two consecutive discs in the neck versus the traditional surgery of two level disc fusion. At 24 months follow-up, patients who received the Prestige-LP two level artificial disc replacement achieved superior overall clinical results when compared to the fusion patients.


Click here to learn more about cervical disc replacement >>

IMG_3445Two-level Total Disc Replacement with PRESTIGE LP Cervical Disc vs Anterior Discectomy and Fusion: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Clinical Trial with 24 Month Results


Jeffrey McConnell, Randall Dryer, Todd Lanman, Matthew Gornet, Scott D. Hodges

OAA Orthopaedic Specialists, Central Texas Spine Institute, Cedars-Sinal Medical Center, The Orthopedic Center of St. Louis, Center for Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics


Cervical anthroplasty at two contiguous levels using the PRESTIGE LP disc showed superior results to 2-level ACDF based on overall success criteria and NDI success.

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