adult stem cell therapyOver the past decade, the medical field has benefitted greatly from stem cell research, leading to the exciting new field of Adult Stem Cell Therapy. Also known as Regenerative Medicine, this field focuses on the use of adult stem cells to aid in the repair of damaged tissue such as bones, tendons and ligaments.

The use of a patient’s own (autologous) adult stem cells is a safe and effective treatment option for back, neck and spine pain. Adult stem cells offer not only an effective treatment for damaged tissue, but also can be used to prevent further tissue degeneration.

What Is Regenerative Medicine?

Scientists and physicians have made tremendous advances to make tissue regeneration a reality in treating many diseases. Through regenerative medicine, a person can take advantage of their body’s ability to heal itself by using the healthy adult stem cells that can be found throughout the body. Laboratory and clinical research has shown that it is possible to use adult stem cells to restore lost, damaged or aging cells and effectively regenerate tissue in the body. Regenerative therapies are showing promise in the treatment of neck and back pain.

Adult stem cells were discovered over forty years ago when researchers found that cells derived from bone marrow had the ability to form various tissues. Adult stem cells are early stage cells and under the right conditions, are capable of developing into other types of cells with the potential to regenerate damaged tissue.

what is a stem cell

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Adult stem cells are being used to treat many types of chronic pain and degeneration. Currently doctors are treating shoulder, knee, hip and spine degeneration, in addition to soft tissue (muscle, tendon, ligament) and bone related injuries.

Where do adult stem cells come from?

In adults, stem cells are present within a variety of tissues and organs, the most commons sources being bone marrow and fat (adipose) tissue.

How are adult stem cells obtained and prepared?

One of the richest sources of adult stem cells is bone marrow, and the hip (pelvis) is one of the best and most convenient locations for obtaining bone marrow. In the harvesting procedure, the doctor typically removes (or aspirates) from the pelvis. A trained nurse or technician then uses specifically designed equipment to concentrate the adult stem cells in the bone marrow and provides the cells back to the physician for implantation at the site of injury.

Will my body reject the adult stem cells?

No. Since they are cells collected from your own tissue, there is little threat of rejection.

Potential Applications

adult stem cell therapy applications

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There are many potential applications where stem cell treatments can be very effective. These include Rheumatoid Arthritis, Kyphosis, Stenosis, Scoliosis, Facet Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Sacroiliac Joint Syndrome, and Spondylolisthesis.

Will my insurance cover adult stem cell therapy?

While adult stem cells have been used for decades to treat a variety of diseases, their application in the treatment of pain is relatively new. Because of this, insurance companies do not currently cover the therapy.

How much does adult stem cell therapy cost?

The cost of a stem cell treatment varies based on the procedure performed. Our office staff can assist you with payment options and any other questions you may have.

Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about adult stem cell therapy.

Is adult stem cell therapy safe?

Watch these stem cell success stories and decide for yourself.